Following on the heels of our last release is another great update to Live Goals; a little something we’re calling Involved Teams. Before this release, goals were team-specific. With the addition of involved teams, you can specify all the teams that need to be kept up to speed on progress. It’s a small change that makes massive difference in keeping multiple teams and/or entire companies aligned on intent and up to speed on progress.
Here’s how it works; when you’re creating or editing a goal, pick one or more teams in the teams field:
Once you save the goal, it’ll show up on the goal overview page for all the teams involved. Teams that aren’t involved won’t see a thing.
Whenever updates get posted, everyone on involved teams gets notified, and no one else. Everyone who needs to know what’s going on does, without creating a bunch of noise for everyone else.
Make a company-wide goal by involving every team, create cross-functional sub-goals underneath by involving a few teams, and individual team / contributor goals under those. The end result is a live, 30,000ft view of plans & progress, and a simple, bulletproof means keeping multiple teams and entire companies aligned.
Executives and managers can see exactly where things stand at a glance and step in where need be. Teams can see what other teams are doing and avoid duplicate and mis-aligned work. Contributors can see how their work fits into the bigger picture, and showcase their work to others. Everyone gets the exact right amount of big-picture context that they need to do their jobs, without having to sift through a bunch of noise or do a bunch of leg-work to understand what’s going on.